
Tactile Player - Control your music player with your phones hard buttons.

Control your music player with your phone's hard buttons! Finally you don't have to take out your phone, unlock the screen, and navigate to your music player just to change the song. With Tactile Player you can change the song just by using your phone's volume and power buttons.
Double Press the volume UP key for NEXT.
Double Press the volume DOWN key for PREVIOUS.
Triple Press the Power key to toggle PAUSE/PLAY. (You can change this to double press or never if you like).
Simple as that.
Tactile Player supports most stock players (the "Music" app) along with third party media players such as:
PowerAMP, Pandora, Google Listen, doubleTwist, PlayerPro, Amazon MP3, Mixzing and most other popular media players (check the Simulate Headset Buttons option).
Now you can use your favorite music player and control it with your phone's tactile buttons, thanks to Tactile Player. Try it out. 